At Motoyu Ishiya, we have a large collection of artworks on display throughout the premises, showcasing the pieces we have collected over the years.
Among the artworks on display, there is also an old grandfather clock that has accurately marked each second of the leisurely time at Motoyu Ishiya. Standing in front of such a clock evokes a mysterious feeling, as if time is moving backward into the past. We invite you to stroll through the premises as if exploring an art museum.
Wall clock
Exhibitions in the restaurant
Koshida Koshu
Family crest of Maeda Tosa-no-kami
Large Imari bowl
Noh mask of an old man
Buddhist image of Amidanyorai
A pair of historical folding screens
Grandfather Clock
Toilet articles of Princess Yasuhime
Ionic Calendar Clock
Funa-tansu or a sea chest
Suzuyaki ware
Ran’ma or carved wooden panels over sliding doors
Archaeological finds of the tumulus period